The Murder of Martha Moxley: Why Micheal Skael did it

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One's motive to commit a crime can be provoked by jealously, temporary insanity or obsession. On October 30th 1975, an adolescent girl named Martha Moxley was brutally beaten and killed by Michael Skakel. This homicidal affair went unsolved for more than two decades, even though Skakel and his brother Thomas were suspected, it became known throughout the whole nation due to the fact that a Kennedy relative was involved. The shocking news of his brother's affair …

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…was convicted for the murder of Martha Moxley where he was sentenced twenty years to life. <Tab/>One's motive to commit a crime can be provoked by jealously, temporary insanity or being overly obsessed. Michael went into a complete state of distress once he found out about the affair that occurred with his brother Thomas and Martha on that ill-fated evening, which only lead to a tragedy in the long run.