The Mummies Story: This essay is a general intorduction to the creation of mummies during the Egyption periods.

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Egyptians believed that people had to be mummified to live forever. They thought that after the person was dead their soul became something different. Reports indicate that the soul took the shape of a bird. Egyptians saw heaven as paradise. They often called heaven the "Field of Reeds" where people grew crops. They thought the crops grew a foot taller in heaven. Mummification is a long and sacred part of Egyptian history. This essay will …

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…removal of body moisture. Once the embalming process was completed the body was wrapped tightly in linen bandages many times. As we can see the mummification process was a long and complicated process. The modern world has learned many secrets that may one day prove helpful to those interested in body preservation during the afterlife. References: Odijk, Pamela. The Egyptians. South Melbourne: Australia Macmillan Company, 1989. Seedman, Scott. Ancient Egypt. New York: Dorling Kindersley Publishing Inc., 1995.