The Movie "The Outsiders"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The movie "The Outsiders" is based around a group of boys from "the wrong side of town". This side of town is considered the poor side of town and the characters can fall under many labeling theories. The first theory, Tannenbaum's Dramatization of Evil, deals with how the community shifts their focus of evil acts (their definition of) to defining the individual. In the movie, Pony, Two-bit, Johnny and others are a part of a …

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…relates to how most of our everyday activities are routine and our behaviors as human beings are a stream of habitual responses to those situations. When a situation becomes problematic, like in Johnny Cade's case, alternative lines of actions are evaluated (Pater and Bach 235). When members of the Socs confronts Pony and Johnny in the park because they were earlier talking to their girls, Johnny stabs Bob(a member of the Soc's) in self defense.