The Movie Lonestar

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Lonestar, The Movie Racism has raised conflicts in different communities around the world throughout history. Texas is just one of the many places that it occurs. The movie Lonestar portrays this racism in Texas throughout the movie. The movie takes place in present time Texas. The movie is about a 40-year-old murder that is being investigated by Sheriff Sam Deeds. He wants to find out the truth behind the murder. He believes that the murder …

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…years. Although it is not as strong as it was years ago, it still exists and will most likely continue to exist throughout our life-time. Hate and violence has been linked to this racism and segregation has been a result of both. Lonestar effectively portray much of the different forms of racism throughout the movie as well as accurately showing the audience what kind of things the different minority groups had to endure . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**