The Movie, "Gone With The Wind" Directed by Victor Fleming, is a sweeping, tragic romantic drama - a convincing picture of America's Deep South in Civil War days.

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"Gone With The Wind" Directed by Victor Fleming, is a sweeping, tragic romantic drama - a convincing picture of America's Deep South in Civil War days. A story of jealousy, greed, persistence, obsession and love of the land. A chronicle of the end of a culture. The story takes place during the Civil War. The main setting is in Tara. Tara is a plantation owned by the O'hara's. The main character is Scarlett O'hara (Vivien …

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…tale. The demise of Tara reflects the carnage that swept the US South during and immediately after the Civil War. It shows the devastating effects of war. The story is a good, historical film that shows what life was like in the south during the civil war. It shows how the south's culture was destroyed by the Civil War, and that they had to adapt if they wanted to survive the change in their culture.