The Movie: El Norte (1983)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
History 15 Spring 2004 The Movie: El Norte (1983) Mayan Indian peasants were tired of being thought of as nothing more than "strong arms", and organizing in an effort to improve their lot in life. The Guatemalan army was very powerful at that time, and destroyed many villages included the Mayan village. After the army destroyed their villages and most of the families, a brother and sister, teenagers who just barely escaped the massacre, decided that they must …

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…because of them wanting a chance to be free. Enrique thought that the U.S. would be easy as long as you have a job, but that is not true. Your life will be hard without legal documentation. You really can't live a good life, always hiding and in fear. Immigrants really go through a lot just to come to "The North". This movie was all based on wanting a chance just to be free.