The Motivations for Criminal Behavior in Post Katrina New Orleans.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Art and Culture
When the average person is asked what typically occurs in the aftermath of any major disaster, the following items are typically mentioned at the top of the list: looting, panic, lawlessness, rape, murder, general crime. However, these same items, along with price gouging, disaster shock, contagion (the bad behavior spreading), and the installment of martial law are defined by most sociologists and disaster researchers as disaster myths. In other words, these behaviors do not typically …

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…releases/2002/08/02080875321.htm <Tab/>Lambert, Bob. Disaster myths trip up emergency managers and the public alike. Virginia Emergency Management Update. <Tab/>Pierre, Robert E. and Ann Gerhart. News of pandemonium may have slowed aid. (2005, October 5) The Washington Post <Tab/>.Reason online; Echo chamber in the Superdome. (2005, October 4) Conflux Snowdeal Blog.