The Monster and Mr. Hyde

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Liz Kemph H. English III 12.00 Pd. 5 The Monster and Mr. Hyde Although Victor Frankenstein's Monster, and Dr. Jekyll's Mr. Hyde have traits that make them seem similar, there are also many distinct differences that the two characters possess that enable us to see clearly that these two characters are not alike. These two creations vary in creators, identity, and appearance, as well as the personal circumstances that they were dealt. When Frankenstein had the idea …

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…an appearance that causes society to reject them, the Monster and Mr. Hyde are totally different characters surrounded by totally different circumstances. The Monster is an anonymous creature forced to survive under circumstances beyond his control, created through ambition in order to achieve a scientific breakthrough, while Mr. Hyde is an evil character isolated that causes destruction, created by Dr. Jekyll as a way to release his anger and show the other side of man.