"The Missing Part".

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The Missing Part Long, long, long ago, on Mt. Olympus, where the Gods and Goddesses live, it wasn't a very pleasant place. It was dull, gloomy, pale, and sad, peoples' faces never had a smile on. No one cared for each other. Alpan, a young soon-to-be goddess at the time, one day asked her mother "What is missing in our world? Why is everyone dull and sad?" Her mother did not yet know the answer …

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…Amor and Alpan told all, and all agreed. Now, many years later, the Gods and Goddesses watch the world for love and caring. When someone is not loved or isn't giving it, Amor and Alpan cry for them. Their tears as drops to heal the non loving and non loved. And that is how Amor became the God of love, Alpan became the Goddess; why there is rain; and most importantly, why there is love!!!