The Missed Fly Ball. Personal experience

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Essay Database > Literature
Final Draft It was only a fly ball, but I missed it. I missed a fly ball in the final baseball game my 3rd grade year . It was a beautiful day, a few clouds covering the extremely blue summer sky. It was very hot. I remember this because of the tremendous amount of sweat that would run down my face while I stood out in right field. When I heard that crack of the bat, …

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…Student Gov-ernment, Junior Academy of Science and Principal's Council. In Yearbook, I edited what has been judged the number one yearbook in the country. As an officer in student government I was able to lay the ground work for a new and improved Student Congress. All of this while maintaining a respectable grade point average in all honors and ad-vanced placement classes. All of this because of one great misfortune and a missed fly ball.