The Mexican Revolution

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
During the government of Porfirio Diaz internal peace was established under his dictatorial rule and economic development started, foreign investment was encouraged with the aim of exploiting raw materials and promoting industrial development. However, the social unrest and the political opposition to the regime of Porfirio Diaz triggered the Mexican Revolution. Francisco I. Madero was elected as the new President but was assassinated in 1911. With his assassination the Mexican Revolution started. Various factions lead by …

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…the following: In 1938 President Lazaro Cardenas declared the expropriation of oil companies and concessions ceased. In 1939 the National Action Party was created by Manuel Gomez Morin, at the present time the main political parties represented at Congress are: Institutional Revolutionary Party; National Action Party; Peoples' Socialist Party; Mexican Democratic Party; Revolutionary Democratic Party; The Cardenista Front Party for National Reconstruction; Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution; The Labor Party; the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico.