The Mexican-American Heritage

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Essay Database > History
There are many immigrants in the United States and they are from various countries. This essay is concentrating on the Spanish, Mexican-Americans heritage. The people of this culture are called many different names depending on where they came from and how long they have been here. Some of these names are Spanish, Hispanics, Latinos, Mexicans, Mexican American, Hispano, and Chicanos. I will also include some information on various early Spanish explorers, where they originated from, …

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…where Caesar Chavez had such a great impact. He fought for equally rights and fairness for all farm workers. Although, his main achievements were for farm workers, many immigrants benefited from his crusade. There are many terms for the Spanish-Mexican culture. They all come from the past of their ancestors as to where they came from, went through, and believe. The great impact of the Mexican culture is still going strong in the United States.