The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - Parallel between Gregor and Kafka's Family

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Essay Database > Literature
Throughout the novel, The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka, the author, demonstrates the parallel between his relationship with his family, and Gregor Samsa's relationship with his family, in addition to how Gregor came to chose to become the insect he was physically, after having already been one psychologically. Following the existentialist theory, Gregor allowed himself to become an insect, as he chose how he would let his family affect him. Ultimately, it was he that made the …

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…made it clear that it was Gregor's choice to become an insect, and no one else's. He had made the decision to work so hard to support his family, to protect himself from any intimacies, and to do so much and receive nothing in return. These characteristics he held of an insect could only be his with his consent, as he permitted his family, into moulding him into a creature that was no longer human.