The Message of George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Fiction is an indicator of human thought and emotion, more truthful sometimes than any statistical fact. I think that anyone can read Animal Farm and get the message of it, whether they know about Soviet history or not. The reason for this seemingly juvenile understanding stems from the fact that, even though Orwell may have intended to emit a message about Soviet history, there is also an inferred message which can be applied to almost …

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…grab for power. This is, intrinsically, the message of Animal Farm. Utopia is impossible, and always will be. As pessimistic as this sounds, there is no doubt to it's axiomity. George Orwell believed this, and expressed it through many writings, not just Animal Farm. In conclusion, the message of Animal Farm can easily come across to someone who knows nothing of Soviet history. This someone is me. I got the message. Others, hopefully, can also.