The Mediocrity of Marijuana.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
As the most misunderstood illegal drug in our society, marijuana effects users and non-users alike in more ways than one. Whether through overcrowding of jails to billions of dollars in government spending to keep drugs out of society, marijuana affects society as a whole. Marijuana is an anomalously concealed drug because of its classification as a narcotic, impact on history throughout mankind, and the sensations presented to the user. Marijuana is defined as a psychoactive …

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…custom. Although it is not illegal on all continents, the United States is one of the front-runners in regulating the prohibition of the drug. Marijuana is a misunderstood drug in our society because of its status as a drug, ambiguous impression, and its sentiment provided to the user. With the United States government beginning to recognize the medical benefits of marijuana, the destiny of the legalization of the drug will remain, like its users, high.