"The Media Monopoly" Ben H. Bagdikian

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"The Media Monopoly", the fifth edition, was written by Ben H. Bagdikian, a dean emeritus of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California at Berkeley and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. Bagdikian originally published this book in 1983 to warn the public about the negative impacts that corporate ownership and mass advertising have on the media. Author Bagdikian explores the way in which the media functions. His particular area of interest is the way …

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…choices, future and livelihood. I liked this book a lot and highly recommend it to anyone who mistakenly thinks they are receiving news and information from the media. Bagdikian states well the effect the censorship of our information has on us. He says, "subtle or not, the ultimate result is distorted reality and impoverished ideas" (p. 45). Work Cited Bagdikian, Ben H. The Media Monopoly. (5th ed.). Boston: Beacon Press, 1983/1997. пппппggggggggggggbbbbbbbbbg