The Meat Packing Industry

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Essay Database > Literature
Appalling Meat Most people in this country eat meat for 2 out of 3 meals each and every day. Would you continue this practice if you knew about the horrendous conditions at meat packing plants? To understand these conditions look at two sources- Sinclair's The Jungle, written in 1900 and Schlosser's Fast Food Nation that verify that conditions in meatpacking plants are atrocious. Though they were written 100 years apart, these sources show us that not much has changed …

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…hazardous working conditions. In fact, workers take drugs to increase their productivity. Overall, conditions in the meatpacking industry today are, in some regards worse than they were 100 years ago. All in all these sources demonstrate that not much has changed in the meatpacking industry; In fact, some conditions nowadays are even worse than they were 100 years ago. These two sources-Sinclair's The Jungle, written in 1900 and Schlosser's Fast Food Nation verify that meatpacking conditions are horrific.