"The Meanest Things to Say" by Bill Cosby.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The story I am presenting is The Meanest Thing To Say by Bill Cosby. In this story Little Bill encounters a bully at school. He is caught up in a game that will hurt the feelings of anyone who plays. In his efforts to make sure he is not hurt he learns a different game from his dad that will help him feel better about himself and teach the bully that the are other ways …

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…more hesitant attitude until he gets home by himself. Then he becomes as flamboyant as Michael. "I am the best, the greatest, the smartest kid in the world!" When he is called on his attitude he realizes that it is not important to be the best, it is important to be smart and a friend. The characters in this book are: Little Bill, Big Bill, Jose, Andrew, Kiku, Fuchsia, Michael, Mom, and Alice the Great.