The Mass Media's role in influencing 'New' Terrorism.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Question: How do the perpetrators of terrorism in today's society use the mass media to emphasise their spectacle of terror? How has its manner changed as media gains a more influential role over society? This essay examines the persuasive effects that the media has over the activities of terrorists throughout the world. It also depicts the costs of terrorist activities and how it is being combatted by some of the world leaders. NOTE: Written on 14/12/2002 …

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…and ultimately the level of action that can be taken to avenge the actions of the terrorists by the victimised nation. Regardless of whether terrorism is originating from a left or right wing perspective, until the leaders of the terrorist organisations have been captured, their followers dispersed or inturn also captured and the terrorist cells disintegrated, terrorism will continue to reign its destructive hand upon society, and will remain known as the 'unknown enemy.'