The Mass Media and Social Construction.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
The Mass Media and Social Construction The mass media industry is implicated in social construction. There are "Ways of Seeing" which serve state-corporate interests at the expense of the interests of the people. This is because there is a direct relationship between the mainstream press and the political economy of state-corporate capitalism in the construction of the false reality. The system of capitalism heavily indoctrinates the population through the mainstream press. The mass media fulfils …

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…they are told, and if they do not want to own certain things, then they are simply not a part of the society that is deemed to be normal. In this way, we see how the mass media industry is implicated in social construction. There are "Ways of Seeing" which serve state-corporate interests at the expense of true freedom for people. Works Cited Berger, John. Ways of Seeing (Pelican) Herman and Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent (Pantheon)