"The Masque of The Red Death" by Edgar Allen Poe

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
"The Masque of The Red Death", a fictional story by Edgar Allen Poe is about an epidemic, The Red Death, which plagues an entire country. Throughout this unnamed land, The Red Death infects citizens left and right. The ruler of this unnamed land, Prince Prospero, possesses no sympathy for his people, yet wishes to make sure he doesn't receive the terrible disease. Therefore he confines himself within the gates of his castle, keeping the virus …

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…clock a sound which was clear and loud." It also ties in with it being in the seventh room or the final stage of life. Symbols portray a great meaning throughout this book. "The Masque of the Red Death", by Edgar Allen Poe, shows to be a great story. It effectively uses the elements of fiction. It details many aspects and gives great symbolism. "The Masque of the Red Death" - a great fiction story.