"The Mask" by Dean Koontz.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
This book, The Mask, is an excellent thriller about a young couple who want to adopt a child. They are both "overachievers," have gotten very far in life for their age, and lead a perfectly normal life. This is their story on their struggle to gain a child and yet, at the same time, identify their previous lives. This story is told in the third person omniscient point of view, so there are a few …

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…for revenge. This book was awesome and I loved it. It had a very abrupt quick ending, which I wish had perhaps been explained a little more thoroughly, but then again, that may have killed the mood and the note that the author had wanted to end the story on. I would most definitely recommend this book to anyone that is high school level or above. It is exciting, interesting, and certainly caught my attention!