The Martian Chronicles Summary

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Summary A Martian woman has dreams of a rocket coming down from the sky, containing a light-skinned, blue-eyed creature named Nathaniel York. Her husband is weary, and when the rocket lands, he shoots the men. All over Mars, people begin to hum Earth tunes and have strange dreams. When a second rocket lands, the astronauts get out and explore. They say they are from Earth, but everyone thinks they are crazy people who have hallucinated …

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…they are robots. Back on Earth, a fully automated house is dying. Its occupants died long ago, in the nuclear war, but the house kept washing and playing music every day. A falling tree bough catches it on fire. On Mars, a family has escaped the wasteland of Earth. Dad tells his sons that they are Martians now. Soon another family will arrive, with girls. Dad is happy to have left the foolishness of Earth.