The Many Poetic Twists of Icarus as portrayed in Edward Field's "Icarus," William Carlos Williams' "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus," and Muriel Rukeyser's "Waiting for Icarus."

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Icarus is a character in Greek myth. According to the myth he and his father fly with wings that his father made out of wax and feathers. They are trying to escape from a mean king. Icarus' father warns him not to fly to close to the sun or the wax would melt, ruining his wings. Icarus is caught up in the glory of his flight and does not heed his fathers warning. His wings …

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…only wanted to get away from" her (15). This poem is more about the fall of a romance, while the first two are about the insignificant fall of a hero. Greek mythology is one medium, where people typically come to their own conclusions. The three poets discussed above are not different in that respect. They have taken the same myth and interjected their own ideas and techniques to create different angles, in which to express themselves.