The Many Facets of Freedom - Concepts in Art

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The concept of freedom is one openly displayed in many of the famous artworks in history; it also seeps through into the less famous. This concept, though apparently straightforward, is a broad topic encompassing many views and aspects. IN the chosen artworks, "freedom" is developed as equality and trust, in an economic sense, a governmental sense and a basic human-rights sense. Not all artists take the dominant approach either - freedom is as personal as …

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…Ilyich> 2005 (accessed 13/02/05) Horvath, Dr. P. & Dr. W., Virtual Museum of Political Art, <> 1997-2005 (accessed 10/02/05) Neighbour, A., Absolute Arts, <> 2003 (accessed 07/02/05) Schubinski, R. G., Glossary of Poetic Terms, <> 1996-2004 (accessed 07/02/05)