The Man that Saved the Union

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Abraham Lincoln was the last President of the United States who could genuinely use words. Lincoln's speech tells us, that Lincoln was a master of the spoken word. Perhaps the best parts of Lincoln's construction of his speeches were his use of the biblical construction. It's easy to think of Lincoln as an undereducated, self-made man, which of he was, but he also was a highly literate, well-read man who had given himself a well-rounded …

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…need to conform ourselves to the spiritual and divine history of the world. Abraham Lincoln was a unique person, he could execute historical event without equating his understanding of the task with divine wisdom. He is by far the only President that was able to embrace the irony of all human spirituality. President Lincoln was the last President of the United States who could genuinely use words of logic, fact, and faith without passing judgment.