The Mai Lai Massacre

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Essay Database > History
The Mai Lai Massacre was most likely the best-known act of violence of the war against communists of Vietnam. The Objective of the American military mission was clear:search and destro the Mai Lai hamlet of Son Mai village in Quang Ngai Province of South Vietnam. What was not clear was what to do with all the civillians who might be encountered at Mai Lai. On March 16, 1968, Captian Ernest Medina ordered Cahlie Company into combat. …

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…communism. Calley's life sentence was reduced to twenty years, and then reduced to ten years. The Mai Lai Massacre was the best-known act of violence of the war against the communists of Vietnam. There is no logical reason as to why over 500 civilians were killed. Some people think that after being in training for this war, they just went crazy and snapped. Other thought it was the right thing to do. No one really knows.