"The Maestro", by Peter Goldsworthy.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Maestro, by Peter Goldsworthy The novel Maestro, by Peter Goldsworthy is a beautifully crafted novel dealing with the tragic gulf between talent and genius, between the real and the spurious. Good literature, however, is often judged not only by what is written, but also the way it is written. Reflecting this criteria, Maestro is well written, perfectly contrasted and thus an excellent example of a good piece of literature. Goldsworthy has achieved this thorough …

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…Bach is never easy." The fact that Paul felt that Bach was "too easy" shows his arrogance, but with Herr Keller's response, he is put in his place and must re-evaluate himself. Goldsworthy's has successfully created a story, where he has perfectly demonstrated his cartoon-like world. His use of relationships, settings, themes and issues has helped him with his illustration. Maestro is a good piece of literature, and the way it was written was enjoyable.