The Luddites.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
In the year 1812 there was a series of violent disturbances in Yorkshire, when new machines were introduced into the woolen industry. The new developments in technology meant that many workers found themselves made redundant and out worked. Feeling helpless and struggling to feed their families many of these jobless men bonded together to make a union and in their frustration vandalized these machines. They are called the Luddites. With the introduction of the steam engine, …

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…and Enok will break them (tools). I believe that both sides have credible arguments. On the one hand, the bosses are only doing what they think is right for their business, but on the other the lives of the redundant workers are being destroyed and they didn't have enough food to feed their families. I don't agree with what the Luddites did, but I understand why they did it and I sympathize with their plight.