The Loyalty of Antigone to both her Father and Brother

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Anitgone, she poses great loyalty to both her father Oedipus, and brother Polynices. She tended though to show it much greater towards her father rather her brother. Antigone is both the daughter and sister to Oedipus. She along with her sister, Isemene, have been caring for their father and tending to his every need since his exile from Thebes. She is viewed as being a brave young women. Faithfully she shows her loyalty and respect …

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…for fear of the worst to come. He refused to listen to her honest words, and continued on with what he wanted. From Antigone having put aside her opinion of her brothers' faults, she showed true loyalty to her brother and their strong bond with one another. In conclusion, Antigone posed great loyalty to both her father Oedipus and brother Polynices. She tended though to show it much greater towards her father rather her brother.