The Lover by Marguerite Duras. This is an essay on the style of writing, the crucial moments, and important images of the story.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Lover In Marguerite Duras' novel, The Lover, there are many aspects or styles that this book differs from the other two books we have read thus far. The style of writing, the setting, crucial moments, and important images are a few of the aspects that set this book apart from most others. The style of writing used in this book is different from that of the first two books. The Stranger was written in …

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…the idea that until death they would pleasure each other whether they were together or not. This novel was different from the others in the style of writing as well as the tone of the book. The love story between the young girl and the Chinese man made for a great story of love and desire, and whether love and sex have to go together and how they can grow together to become emotionally affected.