"The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson is a tale of disturbing evilness.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
1 "The Lottery" The short story ,"The Lottery", written by Shirley Jackson is a tale of disturbing evilness. The setting is a small village consisting of about 300 residents that gather every year for a village- wide lottery in which everyone is expected to participate. Throughout the story the reader gets an odd feeling regarding the residents. Although they are gathering for a lottery drawing, there is an air of nervousness about the event in which it …

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…right" (page 228) After reading the first three or four sentences of the lottery you know it is evident that something very strange is about to unfold. Jackson uses an abundance of foreshadowing which indicates, to a degree, what is about to happen to the winner of the drawing. There is at least one indicator within each individual paragraph which lets the reader know what the lottery represents, and that the people of the town ar