"The Lost Boy" by Dave Pelzer

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
It is hard to imagine the trauma and hardships that David Pelzer went through as a young child and it is amazing that he survived through it all. As a group we read the first book of David Pelzer's trilogy, A Child Called It. This book really sunk into our hearts and the imagery used in the book helped to put a clear picture of the dysfunctional household that David lived in. It was really …

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…never lost hope and he never gave up and after several years of waiting he finally heard those three words he yearned to hear..."I love you." Through these first two novels we have seen David being physical and emotionally abused, we have felt his pain and we have heard his cries...but now as David has broken through the walls and pursued a more meaningful and accomplished life, we see his strength and courageousness.