The Lord of the Rings vs Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde

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Essay Database > Literature
Evil, Greed, Lust, Destruction...Sound Familiar? <Tab/>Themes are the basis of concepts and ideas that live within literary pieces. Themes act as the guidelines for the work of art in which characterization, plot, and conclusion makes obvious. Every form of art in general holds a theme in which heads the direction for the piece. Peter Jackson, director, screenplay writer, and producer of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, creates an …

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…amp;gt;An infinite amount of allusions can be made from The Lord of the Rings to any piece of literature, especially Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Mainstream themes from both, the most important part of a storyline, interconnect variously in the previously mentioned ways. Evil lies within most of themes that both tales contain. Although the two storylines are utterly different, numerous connections and similarities appear clear and definite.<Tab/>