The "Lord of the Flies" essay, all about Ralph and how his character changes throughout the novel

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
In the story the "Lord of the Flies", Ralph is initially voted as leader of the boys but overtime his power is taken over by Jack. Ralph is initially chosen due to his many good leadership qualities. For instance Ralph is the first to take charge and organize a group meeting. Overtime, people start to follow Jack as chief instead of Ralph. Jack makes the boys think they can have more fun by being on …

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…has great leadership qualities. He is also the most charismatic of the group. Most of the boys stat to follow Jack as leader instead of Ralph because Jack has the ability to tell the boys what they want to hear. By the end of the book Jack had complete control on the island. He has completely lost his sense of reality and civilization. This conclusion proves that in desperate situations civilization fails to work out.