"The Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

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The Truth Behind the Leader Machiavelli once wrote in a letter, "My view is that it is desirable to be both loved and feared; but it is difficult to achieve both and, if one of them has to be lacking, it is much safer to be feared than loved." A prime model of application can be seen in William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies. In the story a group of British schoolboys become marooned …

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…what he wanted, absolute power. Absolute control would have been short-lived because the realization would soon come to the boys that Jack's society would be short-lived. In reply to Machiavelli, Lorenzo di Medici of Florence once stated, "But you should know that this independence upon which I insist so strongly raises more than anything the authority of the master, and that it alone shows that he is governing them instead of being governed by them."