"The Lord of the Flies"

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Pages: 14
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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Introduction This paper will be basically divided into three parts. The first part would be a brief summary of the novel, highlighting the most important occurrences in the storyline. The second part would mainly devoted to the identification of moral issues found in the novel. This part would also include personal critiques on the moral dilemmas that will be presented. Finally, the last part of this paper will discuss the relevance of the narrative to …

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…the course of Corporate Social Responsiveness because it explores area of ethics and moral principles. The novel can be used as a basis of learning how to think out of the box, and how to imagine the limitless possibilities the world of ethics and morals can offer. The novel also provides a plot which can easily be related to different aspects of life, and it also includes ethical dilemmas that our society I currently facing.