"The Long Transition to Adulthood" by Ellen Goodman, an analytical essay.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Long Transition to Adulthood" by Ellen Goodman expresses today's need for more "adulthood training" along with our adolescent school socialization. This essay is an insight into the evolution of education and how our methods of socialization lack instruction on the transition into adulthood. With an informative style, Goodman persuades the reader that our school systems are not effective in teaching life skills needed to operate in the adult world. She asks us the important …

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…through adolescence has changed over the years. She then points blame of society's failure to commit to adulthood, but instead, prolonging our semi-independent state of youth on our path through educational institutions. Goodman never really answers her initial question. She instead answers the question of how don't we become adults. I appreciate her point, but I have little patience with stating the obvious. I am looking, as I assume everyone, including Ellen Goodman, for solutions.