The Little Prince, by "Saint Exupery". A Visionary Heart

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
A Visionary Heart . In the story, The Little Prince, the author, Antoinne De Saint-Exupery, is the narrator who is ostensibly recounting what occurred when his plane put down in the Sahara Desert, six years earlier, due to engine trouble. The story is written in simple, short sentences, as would be suitable to use to tell a tale to a small child, making it sound deceptively similar to a Peter-Pan-like a fairy tale. Briefly, a young …

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…in order to appreciate Saint-Exupery's fantasy, the reader is required to suspend critical, literal, left-brain, judgment about the implausibility of various occurrences in order to appreciate or "see" the impressive wisdom about life, love, friendship, responsibility, understanding, knowing the truth and death which is woven into the deceptively simple story. BIBLIOGAPHY Saint Exupery, Antoinne De. (1943) The Little Prince. New York, Harcourt, Brace & Company SHUT YOUR EYES AND SEE THE TRUTH; YOU'LL GET THERE FASTER