The Little Ice Age

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > History > European History
Between the years 1300 and 1850 our planet experienced what is now known as the little ice age. The little ice age is a period of abnormally low temperatures that no one knows the true cause of. With the negative events such as food shortages came positive events such as discoveries of new land and discovery of broader ranges of food. Scientists can even look at the little ice age for a basis of today's theory of …

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…in the early 1960s when you could not see your hand in front of your face, and everyone wore masks to protect their lungs." (Fagan 204)Today we are dealing with global warming. The polar ice caps are melting at a rapid rate and year after year we are experiencing more unpredictable weather. If we do not reverse our polluting trends soon then the damage we have caused may ruin the planet for future generations. (Fagan 205)