The Link between Crime and Mental Disorder

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Pages: 8
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Abstract In an effort to understand, and therefore reduce or eliminate crime, studies are conducted that examine the many factors that influence or affect it. One of the influences [or possible influences] that affect crime [particularly violent crime]is mental disorder. Several studies have been carried out that investigate this link, which have uncovered much important information. These studies [as with most studies] however, are not without bias. Things such as definition of mental disorder …

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…the stereotype of the psychotic mass murderer that kills indiscriminately is inaccurate. Though, mental disorder may be one of the factors, it is seldom the only factor in play. Having a mental disorder rarely excuses or accounts for any act of crime, violent or otherwise. The numerous studies on the subject have generally found that the link between mental disorder and crime is not as significant as is often assumed.<Tab/>