The Lindebergh Case and how the case relates to current US laws, and what society was like in the 1930's.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Famous murder cases in the history of the United States of America have been taught in classes all over the country as a means of looking back at the country to see what life was like in the past and to see how the country has changed since then. The major idea of looking at past cases is to see how the laws of the land have changed over time. The Hauptmann Case is a …

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…of Lead. New York, New York: The New American Library, Inc., 1973 "Lindbergh Kidnapping." Linder, Douglas. "The trial of Bruno Hauptmann: An Account." "Parallel Threads." Porter, Russell B. "10 Hauptmann Case Jurors, 4 Women, Quickly Chosen; Col. Lindbergh a Spectator." New York Times, January 3, 1935 United States Code Service. Mathew Bender and Co. Inc., 2002