The Life of Joseph and the coat of many colors.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Life of Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors Joseph's life was truly an inspiration to all of mankind. He showed mercy when any other man would have had vengeance. Through Joseph's life, he taught many people various lessons on how to treat others and to give God all the glory for which they receive. Joseph was one of the twelve sons of the father Jacob. Benjamin and Joseph were Jacob's favorite sons because …

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…then packed up all of their belongings and moved to Egypt where Joseph would take care of their needs. Through all the times of trials and testing, God had a purpose for Joseph's life. Wherever he had been, in the pit, in prison, in the palace, the Lord was with him, watching over him and guiding his ways. God gave Joseph a kind, forgiving heart, and He worked all things together for him for good.