The Life of Alexander Grahm Bell. One sugestion my teacher gave to me was to try and find more awards he got.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Life of Alexander Grahm Bell Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1647 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Most people remember Bell for his invention of the telephone. Bell was born into a family with a passion for communication. His father developed the first International Phonetic Alphabet. His grandfather, by the same name, forged a reputation as an impressive actor and orator. Young Bell took to reading and writing at a young age. As he matured, he …

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…amp;lt;Tab/>Bell imagined great uses for his telephone, but would he ever have imagined telephone lines being used to transmit video images? Since his death in 1922, the telecommunication industry has undergone an amazing revolution. Today, non-hearing people are able to use a special display telephone to communicate. Fiber optics are improving the quality and speed of computer date transmission. Bell's "electrical speech machine" actually paved the way for the Information Superhighway.