The Life and works of Emily Dickenson.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
One of America's most well respected poets is Emily Dickinson. Although she never personally received credit for her work, it continues to receive great recognition today. Through her successful poems we get a better idea of her life, views on religion, and feelings about love. Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts. Her father, Edward, was a lawyer, legislator, and Calvinist. He was a stern religious man who required his family to attend …

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…Since Dickinson never married or had any real relationships she may be trying to tell people why this is so. Reynolds 3 Emily Dickinson used such a different technique in writing her poems that even a literary critic did not see her talent. She had a way of writing that allowed you to know how she was feeling at that very moment. Perhaps, her truthfulness in her writings help to make her such an icon today.