The Life and Works of Emmeline Pankhurst

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Essay Database > History > European History
Emmeline Pankhurst was the daughter of Robert Goulden, born in 1858. Her family were very forward thinking and believed that all girls were as good as boys. So Emmeline attended school in her home city of Manchester and went to finishing school in Paris. Soon after her return to Manchester she meet the lawyer and the social reformist, Richard Pankhurst. He was a strong believer of women's rights and committed himself to helping the women's suffrage. …

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…Emmeline is a good example of how anger can be used in a positive way. She was angry at the treatment of women and deicide to do something about it. She believed that actions spoke louder than words and she put her beliefs into practise. We owe a lot to Emmeline Pankhurst because she spent her life campaigning so that in the future girls and women could have the same opportunities and rights as men.