The Life Of Charles Dickens.

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The Life Of Charles Dickens A biography by Harshil Shah - An Elizabethan Era View January 2004 Contents Introduction..................................................................Pg.3 Early Childhood..............................................................Pg.4 Dickens's Working Life................................................Pg.6 Dickens's Personal and Family Life.............................Pg.9 What is Dickens Famous for?.......................................Pg.12 Dickens and Theatre.......................................................Pg.15 Dickens Readings.........................................................Pg.15 What was Dickens like Really?...................................Pg.16 Conclusion...................................................................Pg.19 Introduction Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is one of the greatest English novelists of the Victorian period. He wrote many novels, such as Oliver …

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…deep in Victorian society He expressed his feelings about the Victorian society in all his writings. Conclusion Charles Dickens was an extraordinary man. He accomplished much through his writing, and is still loved throughout the world. His death was a shattering blow to the world in general, but his works have stayed alive. They continue to amaze people with their stories and how they changed so much of the world. The Dickens Carnival in Boston