The Life, Influence, and Works of Architect Louis I Kahn.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
For one of the most influential architects of the 20th century, Louis Kahn created very few buildings. However the few he did complete are so remarkably expressive and innovative that his work is considered to be an inspired great progression from the International Style and he is hailed as one of the greatest architects of the 20th century. Louis I. Kahn was born in Estonia, Russia in 1901 to a mother who stayed at home and …

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…the voids are rooms, and the column is the maker of light and can take on complex shapes and be the supporter of spaces and give light to spaces." In other words, he sees columns not as the stone pillars, but the light between them. In the end, the same light that attracted him and burned his face and hands allowed him to become one of the most influential and brilliant architects of his time.