The Life

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Essay Database > Literature > English
When people hear the name Louis Riel, some fill up with anger, others fill up with a thankful sense of happiness, like me and my grandfather for example. Louis was Metis, this was the product of a Voyageur and Indian women having a child. The Metis were famed for their hunting and tracking abilities and were often employed individuals or groups as guides or interpreters. Their farming tradition had its roots in the Red River …

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…count, and he couldnt pull through. M! y family and I don't mourn his death, we celebrate his life. We also tell many people about him and his hero, Louis Riel. We will never forget either of these influential figures in my life, Louis Riel was like a second grandfather to me. I hope that in the future people will learn about him and understand why he did the things he did. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** none