The Lexus and the Olive tree, by Thomas Firedman. A summary on the importance and unimportance of Globalization in the world along with examples and quotes.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
"To begin, it is important to explain the meaning of The Lexus and the Olive Tree. The Lexus refers to technological advancement and growth, where the Olive Tree refers to traditional roots and stability. The basic premise of the book is the conflict between the two within cultures, economies, and individuals and how it if possible, at all, to bring the two camps together (Friedman 31-34). " Friedman's thesis is that globalization is the new international …

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…human rights, protect the environment, promote fair trade agreements, and enforce fair labor laws around the world. Another useful approach is to develop the competitiveness of the wealthier nation's business and work through education and training to constantly lead in the global marketplace. The competitiveness would lead to higher standards of living and a more varied line of products. Training and education play a very important role in securing one's place in the global economy.